Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My forth blog experiences on SL

This time I was at University of Western California and Standard University, I mainly learnt the history of the universities.  At Western University of California, I was very shocked to see this huge Middle East billboard, it remained me of how much people can or can’t tolerate to how they badly they are being treated and how desperate they want to completely change their existing corrupted government in order to live in peace without bloodshed. I definitely admired a person who placed this meaningful object and I thoroughly thought it through and I think this piece of work can be useful of ESL learners, for example, describe what is in this picture and explain why there are these crowned number of people gather outside.  In addition, ESL students are going to be able to access to students history projects and how Stanford University established on notecards and from touching the pictures and posters all around the campus.

At University of Western California I went inside the hall, it looked like a place where student have graduation ceremony, I walked all the way to the stage where there was a piano so I sat and pretended to play piano. Once I flew out from this building I went near the sea I saw one person so I went to say hello and she asked me if I am new to SL and I said yes. I was happy to know that she is a member of SL  from 2009 also when was in other landmarks I found out that most avatars are familiar with all these fascinating destinations and have continued to play and be around SL for at less two years ago.

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